Terrific Titus

Terrific Titus
Terrific Titus

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Adding Organic Veggies to Your Doggie's Diet

Doggies deserve the best. One of the biggest mistakes many of the owners of my fellow doggies make is not giving them veggies.  Don’t think that we doggies only need meat. Lotsa folks make that blooper.

But don’t run out to the nearest store and buy some vitamin-less veggies. If organic veggies are better for my mommas Pam and Teri, then they’re better for my brother and sister doggies too.

All you need to do is convince your mamas to share. Preferably in nice ceramic bowls like mama Pam did. (Oh, don’t worry. Mama Teri disinfected it.)

On to better health, doggies! Eat organic!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Titus Ponders an Important Question

Titus here! Mommy Pam and Mommy Teri, I have an important doggie question.

How is it that I have on a doggie suit when I feel so human inside?

Please answer this question for me, Titus the Philosopher.

(Mommy Teri: Yikes! How do we answer this child-doggie?)

Monday, June 15, 2015

I Made the List!

Not to boast or anything, but I, Titus the Famous, made the list of top 11 happiest breeds of dogs! I especially like what they said about my bravery and charm. You can check out all the details about me at this link.  http://puppylovernews.com/11-happiest-breeds-of-dogs/9/  

Now excuse me while I go and charm Momma Pam and Momma Teri, and bask for a while in the truth of this award.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Omega-3's For My Fellow Doggies

Yummy Omega-3's!!
Hello! I'm Titus, The Nutritionist, back with important information for all of my 4-legged cousins. I can't stress enough how important it is for your overall health, to have Omega 3's in your diet. Somehow, you've got to convince the folks you care for of this!

Over 2.6 billion dollars are spent each year for supplements fortified with Omega 3's. That alone should tell you I'm right in getting this news out to my fellow doggies.

My momma Pamela makes sure that she shares the tidbits from her tuna can with me.

Now don't you let anyone suggest this is cat-like. (Horrors.) It's all about my Omega 3's.

Thanks, Momma Pam for looking after my health so I can share this with my fellow-doggies.

(P.S. It tastes great!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Petrifying Day

Titus back! I planned to post important information about Essential Oils for the benefit of my fellow doggies today, but something horrible happened!

I was here at home, minding my own business, quite bored, and all my humans (except Pam who was far away in a scary-sounding place called Dallas) were doing boring things. Totally ignoring me.

Then…crash! Bam!  Boom!

Ouch! It hurt my ears.  And even worse, it scared me!

Then I smelled a horrible burnt odor.

But things went from “worse” to terrifying.

Awful sirens came screeching towards my house. They got closer and closer.

Oh no! They stopped right outside my house. Such hideous sounds.  I barked and barked to warn my favorite humans. But they ignored me and went right outside to the flashing machines.

Next, to my horror, big men dressed in strange-looking outfits and wearing large boots came inside my house!

Oh, I barked. How I barked! I felt so helpless. The men actually went up into my attic. The folks I own (some would call them my owners…ha!) ignored me and kept talking to the strange men.

Finally, the men and my crew found the revolting smell. (I could have taken them right to it.) They discussed it all and said the horrid boom had hit my very own house and had caused the stepladder leaning against the fridge to burn. Yuck!

I have to confess, I panicked a bit over all this. So much to bark at all at once! I mean, I do my best to protect these people, but today things got out of control.

I’m exhausted and plan to go to bed early.

Finally a moment to rest

Whew! It’s a tough job for a little doggie like me to take care of my house and my people.

Hope you readers of this blog do that thing called praying. Cause I need it.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Doggie Excursions

That's me, Titus, in my safety car seat.
Titus here again. I can't tell you how many times it's happened. My humans get all dressed up, grab their purses, and walk out the door. Gone. Sometimes for hours!

I can only imagine the fascinating places they go, especially when they come back smelling like fajitas.

But there I am alone in the house for hours. Except somehow I've convinced my two mommas (Pamela and Teri) to take me on a few expeditions. At first I was scared because the only places I'd ever been were scary places called The Groomer or, even worse, The Vet, where they poked me hard with tiny sharp things. Yuck.

But finally I persuaded them to let me take them on a little safari to see the wild flowers. Oh the exciting new smells! The joy of romping among the bluebonnets and Indian paintbrushes!
I took Tommy and Pamela to see the flowers.

Please take my advice. We doggies like to go out too! Just to have a little fun, see new places, smell new fragrances. Take us out, but be sure to secure us properly. A car seat like mine keeps me safe and allows me to see out the window.

I know, I know. My friends have important places to go. But I love it when they finally realize that we doggies need excursions too!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Aww, At Last My Peeps Get It!

By Titus Smith

Wowzie! I feel so good all wrapped up in my towel after my bath! For the first time today, Momma Teri used a mixture that Momma Pamela made of Essential Oils for my bath.

Now I just gotta get Momma Pamela to help me write out the recipe so my cousin doggies can use it too.

I ran all over the house with happiness after my bath, so here's hoping Momma Teri got a video of that to share with you.

Fellow doggies, there's hope! You too will soon be able to have a bath like mine! Stay tuned here at my blog.  I, Titus the Great, will be back soon with more tips, information, and great fun for you!